The Signs and Wonders of an Interdimensional Warrior

Alex Reisfar

2012, Acrylic

“Painting a large mural in an alley is a great way to really get to know a town. Tim Spencer Alley had quite the nightlife. Nocturnal drunkards wailing like banshees flowed through the alley from one bar to the next, they were just the migratory visitors. After the boozehounds came through I had the pleasure of meeting several local graffiti crews, who were respectful, and inquisitive. After that there were the silent white owls that flew past my head while I painted in the dark 15 feet up on a lift. The Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, Palestinian and Indian kitchen workers and business owners that utilized Tim Spencer Alley were its locals. Hearing so many different languages, and smelling the smell of so many exotic spices and foods truly made the painting time in the alley a multicultural experience. Davis California was very wonderful to me. I have never felt so much support from a whole town. Thank you to the people of Davis, and to the John Natsoulas Gallery for a wonderful experience. I’ll be back soon.”

—Alex Reisfar


Blue Turns

