Flowers to Miss L

Kelly Detweiler

2012, Acrylic

“The mural making experience for me was a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed working with a group of artists who were all so different in their skills and approach, yet willing to help each other complete a task. My own image evolved a little in the process, but is basically the same as the painting it was based on. ‘Flowers for Miss L’ is essentially a narrative about my life at the time of the painting. ‘Miss L’ is wildly creative and obviously a Picasso lover. She is however very critical about many aspects of the protagonists performance as a life mate. He is also very creative and somewhat undisciplined, but sensing the scorn he faces upon returning home, he makes a gesture for a peaceful resolution of conflict. Her dog does not thing the gesture is adequate and intends to bite him as soon as possible. Humor is often used to convey stronger issues without being so overt. In my painting this is the case where my concern for the survival of the relationship is presented in a humorous fashion. Picasso is not known for his sensitivity with women, so it is ironic that she takes on the form of one of his Weeping Women from the late 1930’s. Her anger is shroud with a mask, which hides her true feelings. His clumsy yet charming gesture does little to appease her scorn.”

—Kelly Detweiler


Compassion is...

