William Maul
Featured Works
Break Through the Other Side (Parking Garage)
It Can Happen NOW… TO YOU
Cycle Back in Time
William Maul graduated from Central Michigan University in 1980. His primary media are oil and acrylic. Maul’s most successful works express his deepest interest: “I love the influence TV and Film have on the mind. My vision has been thoroughly transformed [or rather corrupted] by television and film.” Maul’s images have been the true beneficiaries. The figures in his paintings are allusions to the influences of popular culture. With a dash of funk, a pinch of surrealism, and a touch of humor, Maul’s unique work is thoroughly entertaining.
Bill Maul’s work has been exhibited in the Thomas Oldham Gallery, Sacramento, California; South Bay Contemporary Museum of Art II, Long Beach, California; Lansing Art Gallery, Lansing, Michigan; Battle Creek Art Center, Battle Creek, Michigan; Toledo Art Museum, Toledo, Ohio and Birmingham Fine Arts, Birmingham, Michigan.
It Can Happen NOW… TO YOU, 2012, Acrylic
Break Through the Other Side, 2014, Acrylic
Cycle Back in Time, 2013, Acrylic